Traditional Document Storage – What Are the Drawbacks of Traditional Document Storage?

Traditional document storage is the practice of physically filing away documents on paper. Businesses that require a paper trail for non-mission-critical documents are used to this procedure.

This is a low-cost option, but it has some drawbacks. One of the most significant More about the author issues is the risk of deterioration for the paper files. As time passes, fungi rodents, and other organisms could destroy the files. Also, if the storage area is humid or dry, it may cause the paper fibers to become damaged. It is crucial to follow an “hygiene routine” and adhere to a filing-organization plan to prevent these risks.

The fact that employees are required to manually interact with papers and files is an additional issue with physical storage. This could lead to 7.5% of files not being filed correctly and 1/5 of them being lost. This could be extremely expensive for businesses, since every search and retrieval can take as long as twenty-five hours.

Finally, paper archives must be stored in a safe location to stop fires and floods from occurring. This can be costly and takes up space in the office that could otherwise be used for other things. Paper records aren’t usually backed up, so they could be lost if there is a disaster or a theft. By contrast, electronic document management systems are protected in secure archives that can’t be accessed by thieves or destroyed by a natural disaster.

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